Tag: Cdata Arc Cloud
November 14, 2023
The Problem with VANs for EDI and B2B Integration
Value-added networks, or VANs provide a managed IT consulting service to transfer and integrate your data with external parties like trading partners. Self-service B2B integration platforms like CData Arc provide all the technical capabilities that VANs offer, including data transformation and transfer via standardized protocols. [read more]
October 16, 2023
Communicating with Tatmeen for UAE Regulation Compliance
Tatmeen is a digital platform developed by the UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention that enables the tracking and tracing of all pharmaceutical products in the UAE. Tatmeen regulations are already in effect, so it is important to prioritize B2B integration solutions that are easy to use and quick to set up. Communicating with Tatmeen becomes much easier with AS4 communication. CData Arc has been providing Drummond-certified AS4 integration technologies for over a decade, making it a trusted tool for AS4 implementation. [read more]
October 12, 2023
Direct EDI (AS2) vs. VANs: Pros, Cons and The Basics
Throughout the world, companies large and small alike are increasingly adding, expanding, and modernizing their EDI communications. If you need to meet partner EDI mandates or wish to capture the many benefits afforded by EDI connectivity with more of your partners, you can take several approaches ... [read more]
August 11, 2023
Q&A with Product Manager Raunak Bhojwani: Improved No-Code Data Mapping, Conditional Logic, and More
Raunak Bhojwani, CData Arc Product Manager, spoke to us about the design decisions behind these latest CData Arc updates and why he’s excited about the future of Arc. [read more]
August 08, 2023
CData Arc Q3 Release: Easier No-Code Data Mapping, Conditional Logic, and More
The latest CData Arc release is now available! This release contains significant improvements to the no-code business logic tools found in high-volume connectors like XML Map, Branch, and Validate. [read more]
June 01, 2023
French E-Invoicing Mandate: A Quick Connectivity Compliance Guide
Learn everything you need to know about the new French E-Invoicing Mandate and your data connectivity needs to fully comply with this new regulation. [read more]
May 08, 2023
Q&A with Product Manager Raunak Bhojwani: Enterprise-Level Visibility & Monitoring in CData Arc
The CData team has been hard at work on the latest CData Arc 2023 release, focusing on developing robust visibility, monitoring, and analytics interfaces for your enterprise workflow needs. Raunak Bhojwani, CData Arc Product Manager, spoke to us about why he’s excited to offer these new features, and what’s coming down the line for CData Arc. [read more]
May 01, 2023
Introducing CData Arc 2023: Enterprise-Level Visibility and Monitoring Features
Introducing the latest version of CData Arc 2023! This release focuses on visibility, monitoring, and analysis of B2B transactions to ensure that Arc provides an excellent experience both during and after your workflows are built. [read more]
April 24, 2023
What is EUDAMED? Definition and How to Communicate with It to Ensure EU Compliance
What is EUDAMED? Discover the definition and learn how to communicate with this EU database to ensure compliance with medical device regulations. [read more]