Tag: Amazon Edi Documents
May 20, 2019
Syncrofy Partners with CData Arc for EDI Visibility
In the modern digital enterprise ecosystem, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has grown far beyond the simple exchange of standard business documents. The inherent complexity of vast organizations in business with thousands of vendors, suppliers, and customers across the globe means the ability to ... [read more]
April 12, 2019
X12 vs. EDIFACT: a Complete Rundown
EDI offers many different document types. The most common are ANSI ASC X12 (X12) and UN/EDIFACT (EDIFACT). The two standards are quite similar, differing primarily in their use cases and terminology. Here are the differences and similarities between these two popular EDI document formats. Use Cases... [read more]
March 28, 2019
Walmart Adoption Nudges Blockchain EDI into the Mainstream
In September of 2019, Walmart will require more than 100 farms that supply leafy green vegetables to put detailed information about their food into a blockchain database developed by IBM. Walmart hopes to use the so-called IBM Food Trust blockchain to track this produce as it moves through the supp... [read more]
February 25, 2019
AS2 Security Basics
Applicability Statement 2, or AS2, is one of the most secure file transfer protocols for data exchange between trading partners. AS2 combines a number of secure and widely used technologies, including HTTPS, SSL Certificates, S/MIME and file hashing. How Does AS2 Security Work? Walking through the ... [read more]
January 28, 2019
API vs. EDI: Why Not Both?
Since the early 70s, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has been the gold standard for exchanging information for supply chain workflows. EDI establishes a set of messaging standards for transferring data from system to system in electronic format without the need for paper and manual processes. But... [read more]
September 21, 2018
CData Arc Releases New AMI for Amazon Web Services
Integrate your data in minutes — through your existing AWS infrastructure At CData Arc, our mission is to help you access your data as easily, quickly and simply as possible. That's why we're proud to announce a new, cloud-native Amazon Machine Interface (AMI) of CData Arc, that delivers fast, easy... [read more]
August 01, 2018
CData Arc Fuses Boeing Innovation & China's Titanium Powerhouse
CData Arc Fuses Boeing Innovation China's Titanium Powerhouse We recently published an in-depth case study covering how one of the world's largest raw materials providers, The BaoTi Group, solved a business-critical EDI integration challenge using CData Arc. BaoTi is China's largest producer of tita... [read more]
December 13, 2016
CData Arc Certified for AS4 & AS2 Communication
CData Arc Certified for AS4 AS2 Communication We are excited to announce that CData Arc has successfully completed Q3 2016 Drummond Certified interoperability testing for both AS2 and AS4 messaging protocols. CData Arc is committed to providing the very best solutions for B2B messaging and MFT, and ... [read more]