EDI リソースセンター
X12 EDI 940
What is an EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order?
The EDI 940 transaction set instructs remote warehouses to send orders. Sellers use it to authorize a warehouse to make a shipment to a buyer (e.g. a retailer like The Home Depot).
How is EDI 940 Used?
The EDI 940 is used to confirm a shipment, modify a shipment or cancel a previously transmitted shipping order. The EDI 940 instructs the warehouse on what to send, how much, and when.
EDI 940 Benefits
There are benefits for both the sender and the receiver when implementing the EDI Warehouse Shipping Order:
- Less time spent by the supplier to manually submit shipping orders
- Elimination of duplicate, unsecured formats, such as email, fax or CSV, for sending/receiving warehouse orders
- Significant reduction in paperwork volume and increased efficiency by completing transactions faster
- Fewer shipment errors, as data is more accurate and processes are automated
Key Data Elements You'll Find in a Warehouse Shipping Order:
- Buying party PO number
- Producer details
- Product specifications & quantities
- Supplier order number
- Demanded ship date
- Bill-to information
- Ship-to information (location name and address, contact)
- Shipment method information
Additional Data Also Included in the Warehouse Shipping Order:
- Third parties taking part in the order (i.e broker)
- Carrier details
- Special handling service
- Temperature demands
- Bill of lading lots and other product information (e.g. lot numbers & production codes).
CData Arc - Easy X12 EDI 940 Mapping & Translation
CData Arc is a modern, end-to-end EDI solution complete with EDI mapping & translation, secure file exchange with EDI partners, and automated EDI-backend integration. CData Arc can translate any EDI document into XML, Excel, CSV and any other major business format. With built-in EDI document transformation flows, you can easily & automatically transform EDI documents at the click of a button.