Quickbooks to Salesforce: New QB Customer Creates or Updates Salesforce Account

CData Arc can seamlessly link Quickbooks to Salesforce. The following sample project demonstrates how you can use different ports in CData Arc to automate the process of taking a QuickBooks Online Customer and inserting it into Salesforce as an Account. The sample will poll QuickBooks for new Customer records and upsert them into Salesforce.

Drop in the Sample Quickbooks-to-Salesforce project

To get started with the sample, download and install CData Arc (free 30-day trial). Then download the sample project and extract and copy the contents to the "data" folder in the installation location for CData Arc. For Windows installations, this will likely be C:\Program Files\CData Arc. Please consult the documentation for the Java build of CData Arc for Linux/Unix/Mac installations.

Poll QuickBooks for new Customers

Click the green QuickBooks Connect button to open an OAuth session with Quickbooks and configure the email or user ID and password fields on the QuickBooks website.

The QuickBooks Connector has been configured with a default output template for QuickBooks Customers. This template has been configured to poll QuickBooks for new Customers that have been added to QuickBooks within the past 24 hours. The application will generate a new XML file for each row in the database that is processed. If you open the template file, you can view the logic controlling the query, where the setting skipProcessedRows='true' prevents the application from pulling in data that has been previously retrieved and WHERE MetaData_LastUpdatedTime >= DATEADD('day', -1, GETDATE()) limits the query to the most recent data.

You can click the run symbol next to an individual template to run that specific query, or click the run symbol in the Output Templates window to run all of them in succession. The connector has already been configured to poll the Salesforce account on a scheduled interval, which can be seen in the Settings tab under the Automation Settings section.

Once the connector has retrieved the data and generated an XML file, the result will be sent to the MAP_QB_to_SF Connector.

Mapping QuickBooks Customers to Salesforce Accounts

The mapping connector MAP_QB_to_SF can be used to convert the XML file containing the QuickBooks Customer into an XML file with values and tags matching the template for a Salesforce Account. When output file from the QuickBooks Connector has been placed into the mapping port�s Send folder, clicking the Send button will process the file.

After converting the file to match the columns in the Salesforce database, the XML file that is generated will be automatically sent to the Salesforce Connector to await further processing.

Upsert the Account in Salesforce

Configure the username, password, and account ID fields in the Salesforce Connector Settings tab to connect to Salesforce.

In your Salesforce Connector, you can use new XML file found in your Send folder to either insert or update customer records in Salesforce. In the upload template, you can specify a key to be used to determine whether the entry will be inserted or updated. CData Arc will compare the value set as the key to the existing entries in your Salesforce account.

CData Arc first checks to see if there is any Account record in Salesforce where the Name matches the Customer from QuickBooks, as these columns are used to uniquely identify an Account and Customer. If there is already such a record, the application updates the record with the new data. If there is no matching record, the application instead inserts the record into Salesforce.

Just like with the QuickBooks Connector, this connector has already been configured to automatically process new files added to the Send folder. You can view these options in the Settings tab under the Automation Settings section.

More Information & Next Steps

As you can see, with CData Arc, it is possible to automate your cloud data accounts, integrating QuickBooks Online data directly into Salesforce. CData Arc also enables many more Quickbooks to Salesforce (and vice-versa) automations. For more information on CData Arc, visit our home page. Download your free, 30-day trial and start controlling your business document exchange today!

Download & Install Sample

Already running CData Arc? This sample will setup CData Arc with the data and connector configurations referenced in this article: