How to Uninstall CData Arc Products


The uninstaller for any CData Arc product is located in the product installation folder. Run the uninstaller to remove the binaries and configuration files used by the product.

The easiest way to uninstall the Java edition of a CData Arc Driver on Windows is to click the Uninstall shortcut from the Start menu option for the driver. Additionally, you can manually uninstall the Java edition of any CData Arc product. See the Java Edition section for more information.


Java editions of CData Arc products can be installed and uninstalled on any operating system where the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is installed. See the following section to uninstall the JAR on a Mac.

Java Edition

You can uninstall the Java edition of a CData Arc Driver by running uninstaller.jar, located in the Uninstaller subfolder of the installation folder. The uninstallation wizard will start. Binaries and configuration files will be removed.

You can also run the JAR from the command line. The command can be as simple as the one below:

java -jar uninstaller.jar

Note: If the preceding command does not work for you, ensure that the right environment variables are set. The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set to the path to the JDK folder. Or, the JRE_HOME environment variable must be set to the path to the JRE folder.

If your CData Arc product is deployed on a Java servlet container, refer to the documentation for your servlet container to uninstall.