Tag: arcesb validate connector
CData Arc July 2020 Update
The latest update features powerful new capabilities that expand the ecommerce and B2B connectivity of CData Arc. Major updates this release include the introduction of an all-new Form Connector for designing and deploying secure web forms, and new electronic payment processing capabilities for int... [もっと見る]
CData Arc May 2020 Update
As we march toward the second half of 2020, our engineers have been busy expanding the breadth and depth of connectivity available across Arc technologies. New Features and Updates Building on the successes of Q1, We are excited to announce a variety of updates, including pre-configured on-demand a... [もっと見る]
RSSBus Connect is Now CData Arc
Enterprise-Class Integration, Still Built on Simple Services What s in a name? It s a question we have been thinking about over the course of 2019. Meaning, a sense of direction and company mission, novelty, customer familiarity and comfort — there are as many answers to that question as there are ... [もっと見る]
3 Strategies for Integrating EDI with Back-End Systems
Once you exchange an EDI message with your trading partners, you ll want to keep a record of the transaction in one or more back-end systems. You may want to store purchase orders in your ERP, add invoices to your accounting system, subtract order information from your inventory system, or notify y... [もっと見る]
9 Ways to Modernize Your Legacy EDI
Many organizations rely on legacy EDI solutions to communicate order information with their trading partners. If your organization is one of these, you may have spent considerable time and effort working with these complex solutions. While there are benefits to working with something that s familia... [もっと見る]