Tag: file transfer security risks
What You Risk When You Keep Your Legacy File Transfers
Many organizations continue to use legacy solutions to perform critical enterprise file and data transfers. These outdated technologies can include everything from unsecured FTP clients to hand-coded scripts and legacy “managed file transfer tools. While these collections of ad hoc approaches typic... [もっと見る]
17 Ways MFT is Superior to Scripting for Automating File Transfers
File transfer is essential to many business processes. It provides a straightforward way for trading partners to share critical information. But many of the tasks involved in file transfer are tedious and repetitive. As a result, many system administrators today use scripting to automate file trans... [もっと見る]
How to Reduce The Most Common File Transfer Security Risks
Individuals are constantly transferring files to their colleagues and trading partners, whether those files are Word documents, reports and spreadsheets, or shipping notices and acknowledgements. Most of the time, people simply assume these file transfers are safe. But in reality, hidden risks abou... [もっと見る]
Secure Alternatives to FTP
Teams today constantly send files to other members of their team or to outside trading partners over FTP. These files may contain sensitive customer financial data, health information, or even personal identification data, such as Social Security Numbers. As regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, PCI and... [もっと見る]