Tag: single-sign-on edi
What is Healthcare EDI Validation? And How to Get Started.
SNIP Validation ensures healthcare EDI documents, such as an X12 HIPAA 834 Benefit Enrollment or an X12 HIPAA 837 Healthcare Claim, are correctly formatted to adhere to the schemas defined in the X12 HIPAA EDI standard. SNIP Validation uses seven levels, or types — SNIP Type 1 is the least strict a... [もっと見る]
How to Set Up EDI with Amazon Vendor Central
An invitation to the Amazon Vendor Central platform is a crossroads, providing a coveted opportunity to boost sales and reach scale. The challenge is complying with Amazon s stringent trading requirements, which force organizations to move into the deep waters of EDI . In this article, we cover the... [もっと見る]
Why Certified EDI is Critical to Your Business
EDI encompasses some of the most mission-critical B2B exchanges between partners. If your EDI solution breaks, it can have drastic consequences on your business. You ll miss purchase orders and forfeit revenue until the connection can be fixed. Shipments will be missed, and delivery orders will go ... [もっと見る]
How to Secure Your B2B API Connections
For decades, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has been the lingua franca for B2B exchanges spanning dozens of industries, from retail and supply chain to ecommerce and healthcare. But in recent years, many organizations have increasingly moved from complex, EDI-based systems to modern API-based sy... [もっと見る]
Your Trading Partner Says You Need EDI, Now What?
You ve started a business selling products, and they re catching on. Now, a big box retailer like Walmart or Target wants to put your products on their shelves. But in order to cement that partnership, your new partner is asking you to adopt EDI. How do you get started? Defining EDI and Its Benefit... [もっと見る]