Tag: edi,

  • X12 vs. EDIFACT: a Complete Rundown

    by CData Arc Marketing | April 12, 2019

    EDI offers many different document types. The most common are ANSI ASC X12 (X12) and UN/EDIFACT (EDIFACT). The two standards are quite similar, differing primarily in their use cases and terminology. Here are the differences and similarities between these two popular EDI document formats. Use Cases... [もっと見る]

  • Direct EDI (AS2) vs. VANs: Pros, Cons and The Basics

    by CData Arc Marketing | April 05, 2019

    Throughout the world, companies large and small alike are increasingly adding, expanding, and modernizing their EDI communications. If you need to meet partner EDI mandates or wish to capture the many benefits afforded by EDI connectivity with more of your partners, you can take several approaches ... [もっと見る]

  • Walmart Adoption Nudges Blockchain EDI into the Mainstream

    by CData Arc Marketing | March 28, 2019

    In September of 2019, Walmart will require more than 100 farms that supply leafy green vegetables to put detailed information about their food into a blockchain database developed by IBM. Walmart hopes to use the so-called IBM Food Trust blockchain to track this produce as it moves through the supp... [もっと見る]

  • AS2 Security Basics

    by CData Arc Marketing | February 25, 2019

    Applicability Statement 2, or AS2, is one of the most secure file transfer protocols for data exchange between trading partners. AS2 combines a number of secure and widely used technologies, including HTTPS, SSL Certificates, S/MIME and file hashing. How Does AS2 Security Work? Walking through the ... [もっと見る]

  • CData Arc がボーイングイノベーションと中国のTitanium Powerhouse 間の商流を接続

    by CData Arc マーケティング | August 01, 2018

    本記事の内容は機械翻訳によるものです。記事の内容についてご質問がある場合は、 CData Arc 製品スペシャリストまでお気軽にご連絡ください 。 世界最大の原材料プロバイダーの1 つであるBaoTi Group が、CData Arc を使用してビジネスクリティカルなEDI 統合の課題をどのように解決したかをカバーする詳細なケーススタディを作成しました。BaoTi は、チタン、チタン合金、希土類金属の中国最大の生産者であり、世界最大の航空メーカーであるボーイングへの原材料の重要なサプライヤーです。BaoTi は、ボーイングの購入テクノロジーとシームレスに組み合わせて、発注書やその他のやり取... [もっと見る]