Tag: cdata arc edi roi
Maintaining Visibility into your Data Automation: Logging, Auditing, and Error Handling in CData Arc
Automated workflow solutions like CData Arc require very little active maintenance as they hum quietly in the background. While convenient, this might also be a cause for concern: will you lose visibility into your data now that you no longer need to perform day-to-day intervention? What if somethi... [もっと見る]
A Commonsense Approach to EDI and Managed File Transfer Pricing
Software licensing runs the gamut from perpetual to subscription, transactional and connection-based. Deciding on which approach is best for an organization is traditionally driven by the software vendors pricing policy and/or the size of the buyer s budget. In today s world of serverless technolog... [もっと見る]
CData Arc V21 Released
We are excited to announce the latest release of CData Arc Version 2021. Extend CData Arc with custom connectivity, link your entire cloud application ecosystem, and simplify user management for scalable self-service integrations. The latest CData Arc release is packed full of new enterprise capabi... [もっと見る]
Integrating Regulatory Submissions with the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG)
If your food or pharmaceutical products require approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you ll need to submit them through the FDA s Electronic Submissions Gateway, commonly known as the FDA ESG. The FDA streamlines their communications through electronic exchange of text and data, pr... [もっと見る]
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Healthcare with CData Arc
When it comes to exchanging healthcare data, whether for medical treatments or health insurance reimbursements, security and confidentiality are essential. That s why Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 and strengthened privacy and security for el... [もっと見る]