Tag: Web Edi
August 01, 2018
CData Arc Fuses Boeing Innovation & China's Titanium Powerhouse
CData Arc Fuses Boeing Innovation China's Titanium Powerhouse We recently published an in-depth case study covering how one of the world's largest raw materials providers, The BaoTi Group, solved a business-critical EDI integration challenge using CData Arc. BaoTi is China's largest producer of tita... [read more]
December 13, 2016
CData Arc Certified for AS4 & AS2 Communication
CData Arc Certified for AS4 AS2 Communication We are excited to announce that CData Arc has successfully completed Q3 2016 Drummond Certified interoperability testing for both AS2 and AS4 messaging protocols. CData Arc is committed to providing the very best solutions for B2B messaging and MFT, and ... [read more]