CData Arc facilitates SCM EDI between Target and Major Textiles Manufacturer

CData Arc facilitates SCM EDI between Target and Major Textiles Manufacturer

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Target works with suppliers all across the world, including one of the largest-scale textiles manufacturers globably. Specializing in dyeing, weaving, finishing, printing, yarn spinning, and garment production, this textiles giant supplies yarndyed fabrics and shirts to major retailers across Japan, the United States, UK, Italy, and 35+ other countries.

In an effort to streamline supply chain integration with Target Online Shopping, this textiles producer integrated electronic order processing and fulfillment processing with Target's EDI system, selecting CData Arc to implement an SCM EDI process that could easily integrate with the textiles supplier's IT infrastructure. CData Arc is used to securely send and receive EDI X12 purchase orders, messages, and acknowledgements between the textiles supplier and Target via basic spreadsheets. CData Arc allows the textiles supplier to bypass the time and expenses involved with implementing a full-blown ERP system or processing through a third-party provider.

Integration with Target

The textiles supplier uses CData Arc for secure file transfer (via an AS2 Connector), EDI messaging, and spreadsheet integration. The following diagram provides a high-level overview of how CData Arc is used for processing:


Secure File Transfer

Target requires that suppliers communicate via an AS2 Connector. The CData Arc AS2 Connector is configured to securely send and receive documents directly with Lianfa. In addition to offering the most secure and responsive integration, direct integration eliminates the need and expense of VAN processing fees.

EDI Messaging

For order processing and fulfillment, Target requires that all suppliers communicate through a number of standard EDI messages. To do this, the textiles supplier uses the DataToXMLI X12 Connector of CData Arc to transform data between spreadsheet values and EDI standards, including:

  • 850 (Purchase Order)
  • 860 (PO Change)
  • 864 (Text Messages)
  • 997 (Function Acknowledgement)

CData Arc provides the supplier with an easy way to pipe EDI Files messages to Microsoft Excel. Excel templates are used to transform EDI messages into human readable Excel documents. In addition, EDI messages are flattened and pushed into Excel based reports.


To communicate updates to Target, the textiles supplier manages an Excel spreadsheet with product information. CData Arc monitors the Excel files for changes with updates triggering CData Arc to convert this data to (DataToXML)X12 Connector and pass the EDI documents to Target through the AS2 Connector.

The textiles supplier selected both KA Software and an EDI systems integrator to assist with mapping, translation, and AS2 configuration. This selection rapidly accelerated the textiles supplier's integration with Target.

The Result

By selecting CData Arc, Target's textiles supplier minimized ongoing costs and enhanced efficiency. The textiles supplier also rapidly integrated its ordering and fulfillment processes to conform with Target's requirements. Integration was delivered on-time and under budget.

The textiles supplier transformed its existing IT assets into an interface for direct, bidirectional communication with Target — all without in-house development or third-party management.