Tag: Arc Edi

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April 15, 2020

Your Trading Partner Says You Need EDI, Now What?

by CData Arc Marketing

You've started a business selling products, and they're catching on. Now, a big box retailer like Walmart or Target wants to put your products on their shelves. But in order to cement that partnership, your new partner is asking you to adopt EDI. How do you get started? Defining EDI and Its Benefit... [read more]

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March 06, 2020

Healthcare EDI Basics: What You Need to Know

by CData Arc Marketing

Many things come to mind when we talk about healthcare. From technologies and lifesaving procedures to tireless staff who are dedicated to helping patients live better lives. Not typically at the forefront of our minds are the vast mounds of paperwork needed to support these healthcare professional... [read more]

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March 04, 2020

EDI to Excel Translation: A Quick and Easy Way to Get Started with EDI

by CData Arc Marketing

Getting your EDI process up and running with a new trading partner is typically a time-consuming and complex process. You need to get specifications from your partner describing the EDI format they require and set up a template for translating data from your operational systems into the requisite E... [read more]

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January 31, 2020

CData Arc 2020 Update

by CData Arc Marketing

We are excited to kick off 2020 with a feature-packed update, which adds a host of robust, new application data connectors, widely requested new UI/UX enhancements, and new licensing options for our popular CData Arc Core framework. New Features and Updates Building on the successes of 2019, the la... [read more]

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December 12, 2019

Have You Outgrown Your EDI VAN?

by CData Arc Marketing

If you're like many companies, you have no choice but to adopt Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Certain companies require their trading partners to use EDI, and to do business with them, you have to use EDI. One way companies get their feet wet with EDI is by turning to a Value Added Network (VAN... [read more]

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December 06, 2019

What You Risk When You Keep Your Legacy File Transfers

by CData Arc Marketing

Many organizations continue to use legacy solutions to perform critical enterprise file and data transfers. These outdated technologies can include everything from unsecured FTP clients to hand-coded scripts and legacy “managed file transfer tools. While these collections of ad hoc approaches typic... [read more]

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November 29, 2019

17 Ways MFT is Superior to Scripting for Automating File Transfers

by CData Arc Marketing

File transfer is essential to many business processes. It provides a straightforward way for trading partners to share critical information. But many of the tasks involved in file transfer are tedious and repetitive. As a result, many system administrators today use scripting to automate file trans... [read more]

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November 27, 2019

How to Reduce The Most Common File Transfer Security Risks

by CData Arc Marketing

Individuals are constantly transferring files to their colleagues and trading partners, whether those files are Word documents, reports and spreadsheets, or shipping notices and acknowledgements. Most of the time, people simply assume these file transfers are safe. But in reality, hidden risks abou... [read more]

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October 03, 2019

Secure Alternatives to FTP

by CData Arc Marketing

Teams today constantly send files to other members of their team or to outside trading partners over FTP. These files may contain sensitive customer financial data, health information, or even personal identification data, such as Social Security Numbers. As regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, PCI and... [read more]