Tag: Fda As2
October 12, 2023
Direct EDI (AS2) vs. VANs: Pros, Cons and The Basics
Throughout the world, companies large and small alike are increasingly adding, expanding, and modernizing their EDI communications. If you need to meet partner EDI mandates or wish to capture the many benefits afforded by EDI connectivity with more of your partners, you can take several approaches ... [read more]
December 16, 2022
CData Arc Again Receives AS2 and AS2 Cloud Drummond Certification
CData Arc has once again received AS2 and AS2 Cloud Interoperability Certification from Drummond. [read more]
January 17, 2022
CData Arc Successfully Completes AS2 and AS2 Cloud Drummond Certification
CData Arc received its 20th AS2 and AS2 Cloud Interoperability Certification from Drummond in December 2021. Drummond is the gold standard for B2B interoperability conformance testing, with over 40,000 tests performed to receive certification. What is Interoperability Testing and Why is it Importan... [read more]
June 21, 2021
Integrating Regulatory Submissions with the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG)
If your food or pharmaceutical products require approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you'll need to submit them through the FDA's Electronic Submissions Gateway, commonly known as the FDA ESG. The FDA streamlines their communications through electronic exchange of text and data, pr... [read more]
June 11, 2021
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Healthcare with CData Arc
When it comes to exchanging healthcare data, whether for medical treatments or health insurance reimbursements, security and confidentiality are essential. That's why Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 and strengthened privacy and security for el... [read more]
July 02, 2020
How to Set Up EDI with Amazon Vendor Central
An invitation to the Amazon Vendor Central platform is a crossroads, providing a coveted opportunity to boost sales and reach scale. The challenge is complying with Amazon's stringent trading requirements, which force organizations to move into the deep waters of EDI . In this article, we cover the... [read more]
June 19, 2020
Why Certified EDI is Critical to Your Business
EDI encompasses some of the most mission-critical B2B exchanges between partners. If your EDI solution breaks, it can have drastic consequences on your business. You'll miss purchase orders and forfeit revenue until the connection can be fixed. Shipments will be missed, and delivery orders will go ... [read more]
February 25, 2019
AS2 Security Basics
Applicability Statement 2, or AS2, is one of the most secure file transfer protocols for data exchange between trading partners. AS2 combines a number of secure and widely used technologies, including HTTPS, SSL Certificates, S/MIME and file hashing. How Does AS2 Security Work? Walking through the ... [read more]
December 13, 2016
CData Arc Certified for AS4 & AS2 Communication
CData Arc Certified for AS4 AS2 Communication We are excited to announce that CData Arc has successfully completed Q3 2016 Drummond Certified interoperability testing for both AS2 and AS4 messaging protocols. CData Arc is committed to providing the very best solutions for B2B messaging and MFT, and ... [read more]