EDI Resource Center

X12 EDI 754

What is an EDI 754 Routing Instruction Document?

The EDI 754 Routing Instructions document is sent by purchasers to their EDI supply partners and includes information on when and where to send shipments.

How is EDI 754 Used?

The EDI 754 document serves as a response to a supplier's EDI 753 Routing Instructions Request document. This document provides detailed information to suppliers to ensure they ship the right goods to the right place at the right time. It also serves as approval for the 753 Request for Routing Instructions.

EDI 754 Benefits

The EDI 754 is one of several documents purchasers exchange with their suppliers to ensure accurate shipments. When incorporated into an EDI process, it benefits both supplier/vendor and purchaser/distributor in a variety of ways:

  • Helps ensure orders only go out when they are ready
  • Maintains accurate order forecasting
  • Contributes to overall logistics efficiency
  • Vastly reduces the need for paper, email, fax and other inefficient communications
  • Creates more easily auditable transaction trails for logistics reporting

The 754 request for routing document also lets the buyer better control their inventory and lower their transportation costs.

Key Data Elements You'll Find in a Routing Instruction:

  • Carrier detail
  • Pick up time & date
  • Number of trailers given

CData Arc - Easy X12 EDI 754 Mapping & Translation

CData Arc is a modern, end-to-end EDI solution complete with EDI mapping & translation, secure file exchange with EDI partners, and automated EDI-backend integration. CData Arc can translate any EDI document into XML, Excel, CSV and any other major business format. With built-in EDI document transformation flows, you can easily & automatically transform EDI documents at the click of a button.

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