Tag: Driver In Focus

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January 15, 2021

How to Connect with B2B and EDI Partners Over APIs

by CData Arc Marketing

If you distribute your products through retail channels, chances are you already have some sort of EDI solution in place to communicate with your trading partners — whether that's a VAN, a web portal, or a true B2B/EDI file transfer solution. But increasingly, retailers are adopting APIs to manage ... [read more]

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December 27, 2020

How to Understand EDI Documents and Avoid Costly Errors

by CData Arc Marketing

Electronic document interchange (EDI) enables organizations to work efficiently with business partners by automating the exchange of trading-related documents, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notifications. Unfortunately, because EDI was designed for use by primitive machines in the... [read more]

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October 14, 2020

Video Series: EDI Mapping and Translation in CData Arc

by CData Arc Marketing

CData Arc is a powerful, end-to-end EDI platform complete with robust EDI mapping translation capabilities to help you manage and simplify any EDI mapping scenario. It provides visual, simple, fast data transformation between every major EDI standard format and a variety of popular business file fo... [read more]

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June 17, 2020

How to Secure Your B2B API Connections

by CData Arc Marketing

For decades, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has been the lingua franca for B2B exchanges spanning dozens of industries, from retail and supply chain to ecommerce and healthcare. But in recent years, many organizations have increasingly moved from complex, EDI-based systems to modern API-based sy... [read more]

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April 15, 2020

Your Trading Partner Says You Need EDI, Now What?

by CData Arc Marketing

You've started a business selling products, and they're catching on. Now, a big box retailer like Walmart or Target wants to put your products on their shelves. But in order to cement that partnership, your new partner is asking you to adopt EDI. How do you get started? Defining EDI and Its Benefit... [read more]

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December 06, 2019

What You Risk When You Keep Your Legacy File Transfers

by CData Arc Marketing

Many organizations continue to use legacy solutions to perform critical enterprise file and data transfers. These outdated technologies can include everything from unsecured FTP clients to hand-coded scripts and legacy “managed file transfer tools. While these collections of ad hoc approaches typic... [read more]

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November 29, 2019

17 Ways MFT is Superior to Scripting for Automating File Transfers

by CData Arc Marketing

File transfer is essential to many business processes. It provides a straightforward way for trading partners to share critical information. But many of the tasks involved in file transfer are tedious and repetitive. As a result, many system administrators today use scripting to automate file trans... [read more]

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May 22, 2019

CData Arc (formerly RSSBus) Released!

by CData Arc Marketing

The latest CData Arc 2019 release is a significant evolutionary update. Building on a robust foundation of integration features, this release further refines the user experience for building and managing workflows and extends CData Arc with powerful connectivity features. New 2019 Features and Upda... [read more]

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May 06, 2019

How to Solve The 7 Worst Shopify-NetSuite Integration Problems

by CData Arc Marketing

Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform among small and mid-sized businesses due to its low-cost simplicity for running and maintaining online retail platforms. But to deliver a complete customer experience, you want your back-end processes to run as smoothly as your front end looks and feels. That... [read more]