Tag: Driver In Focus

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April 19, 2019

First-in-First-Out: How to Fast-Track EDI Onboarding

by CData Arc Marketing

We are often asked about the biggest challenges in onboarding EDI trading partners. While pointing out missed opportunities in a post-project review is easy, finding a strategic advantage within an ongoing concern is much, much harder. Onboarding programs are no different, historically facilitated ... [read more]

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March 28, 2019

Walmart Adoption Nudges Blockchain EDI into the Mainstream

by CData Arc Marketing

In September of 2019, Walmart will require more than 100 farms that supply leafy green vegetables to put detailed information about their food into a blockchain database developed by IBM. Walmart hopes to use the so-called IBM Food Trust blockchain to track this produce as it moves through the supp... [read more]

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February 04, 2019

The Benefits of MFT Modernization: Moving Beyond Siloed File Transfer

by CData Arc Marketing

Organizations increasingly rely on data to serve customers, drive decision-making, and power business processes. This data is typically stored in files, across disparate applications, databases, and local machines and must be moved across the organization quickly to respond to real-time customer de... [read more]

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December 17, 2018

Bulk/Batch Processing with CData Arc

by CData Arc Marketing

If you're looking to integrate data from multiple systems into a data warehouse or data lake, you have several options. These include batch processing, triggering workflows in real time, and publish/subscribe. CData Arc gives you a single tool with a single user interface you can use for all these ... [read more]

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November 05, 2018

CData Arc: A Unified Integration Solution for Digital Transformation

by CData Arc Marketing

(Product Guide) Integration is Key to Digital Transformation Organizations are undergoing digital transformation, using digital technologies to optimize business operations and create value. The road to digital transformation is paved with integration. Whether you need to streamline operations, aut... [read more]

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September 21, 2018

CData Arc Releases New AMI for Amazon Web Services

by CData Arc Marketing

Integrate your data in minutes — through your existing AWS infrastructure At CData Arc, our mission is to help you access your data as easily, quickly and simply as possible. That's why we're proud to announce a new, cloud-native Amazon Machine Interface (AMI) of CData Arc, that delivers fast, easy... [read more]

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September 10, 2018

Managing Complex Data Transformations

by CData Arc Marketing

Integration scenarios have a way of starting out simple and then growing more complex. For example, say your sales manager wants to grab leads from Marketo and view them in Salesforce, as described in our post Making Integration Quick, Easy and Agile . CData Arc makes the process easy through an in... [read more]

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September 05, 2018

Making Integration Quick, Easy and Agile

by CData Arc Marketing

What do you do when a sales manager in your organization wants to view leads within Salesforce that your marketing team generated in Marketo? If you're like many IT managers, your thoughts immediately turn to the time, effort, and money it'll cost to complete the necessary application-to-applicatio... [read more]

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September 04, 2018

The Latest In API-Driven B2B Integration At NEECOM 2018

by CData Arc Marketing

At CData Arc, we've developed technology solutions that make it easier to get the most out of your data — using APIs and B2B messaging. Now, we're sharing some of our experiences and proven solutions. CData Arc Director Mike Albritton will give a presentation during the New England Electronic Comme... [read more]