EDI リソースセンター
X12 EDI 834
What is an EDI 834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance?
The EDI 834 is mainly used by employers, government agencies, and insurance providers, to register members in a healthcare benefit plan.
How is EDI 834 Used?
The 834 transaction set is used for any of the following functions regarding health plans:
- New enrollments
- Changes in a member's enrollment
- Disenrollment of members
- Reinstatement of a member's benefit enrollment
EDI 834 Benefits
- Get employees quickly onto and off of healthcare coverage
- Keeps enrollees updated & current
- Helps to ensure accurate member enrollment and benefit disbursement
- Enables employers and insurers to automate member enrollment processes
Key Data Elements You'll Find in a Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance:
- Plan network identification
- Product or service identification
- Subscriber name & identification
- Subscriber qualification or benefit information
CData Arc - Easy X12 EDI 834 Mapping & Translation
CData Arc is a modern, end-to-end EDI solution complete with EDI mapping & translation, secure file exchange with EDI partners, and automated EDI-backend integration. CData Arc can translate any EDI document into XML, Excel, CSV and any other major business format. With built-in EDI document transformation flows, you can easily & automatically transform EDI documents at the click of a button.